Thursday, March 26, 2015

OpenGL Programs

Few of the following programs are taken from Edward Angel Source Codes and few of the programs are referred from:
  • Computer Graphics Using OpenGL, F.S. Hill, Jr., 2nd Edition, Pearson Education
  1. Program to Plot an Equation
  2. Program to Generate N-gons
  3. Program to Generate Rosette
  4. Program to Generate Stellation
  5. Program to Generate Parabola
  6. Program to Generate Hyperbola
  7. Program to Generate Ellipse
  8. Program to Generate Cardioid
  9. Program to Generate Equiangular Spiral
  10. Program to Generate Logarithmic Scale
  11. Program to Generate Archimedian Spiral
  12. Program to Generate Rose Curves
  13. Program to Draw Erasable Line
  14. Program to Perform Picking Operation
  15. Program to Handle Keyboard
  16. Program to Draw Points
  17. Program to Demonstrate Menus
  18. Program to Demonstrate Submenus
  19. Program to Demonstrate Affine Transformations
  20. Program to Demonstrate Concatenation of ModelView Matrix
  21. Program to Implement Perspective View
  22. Program to Implement Lighting and Shading Models
  23. 2D Sierpinski Gasket Generation using Randomly Generating Points
  24. 2D Sierpinski Gasket Generation using Recursive sub-division of Triangle
  25. 3D Sierpinski Gasket Generation using Randomly Generating Points
  26. 3D Sierpinski Gasket Generation using Recursive sub-division of Tetrahedron
  27. Program to Demonstrate Virtual Trackball
  28. Program to Demonstrate Projections and Shadows

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